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Quality in my heart -- Cheng Tong

visits:20 addtime:2023-10-11 16:14:12

In the evening, a friend visited him, and he poured out bitter water during his talk. He said that he had bought a new refrigerator, which had not been used for three days. It was really bad luck. I asked him, "your factory produces air conditioners. If you install a few screws in the production process, will you think it doesn't matter?" A friend without a word nods. "What about your factory? what about you? No, it's the same. " I lock my eyebrows, and suddenly a scene of conversation in the afternoon comes to mind——

"Master, this pump is out of tolerance. Can I use more glue?"

"No! Not half a silk. "

"Master, five pumps have been tested, and the data are the same every time. It's OK. Don't you want to test any more?"

"No! We'll test a few more, and we'll make sure we're safe. "

Thinking of this, I was saying, "no! It's not the same! " Indeed, when it comes to quality, some people's eyes are always on others, but they are indifferent to themselves.

As the saying goes: true knowledge is seen in every detail. Think about the scene in the afternoon, you can feel the weight of the word "quality" in the hearts of "Xuemei".

I, a fitter, "Xuemei" company press branch fitter class ordinary one. Since entering the factory, I have been deeply influenced by the words "quality". Whether it is the product installation, debugging, or the repair of machine tools, equipment maintenance, can be meticulous, strive for perfection.

Since "quality" is written, what is quality? The answer is different.

I think: quality is conscience, is life, is the foundation of integrity of individuals, enterprises and human society. Is that too much? Otherwise——

In 2001, the "Guanshengyuan" incident in Nanjing was caused by the quality problems of moon cakes, which eventually led to the decline of a century old brand.

In 2002, a couple in a rural area of Shanxi Province bought a color TV set of Taiwan University. A few days later, the color TV set exploded without name, resulting in one death and one injury;

After the 5.12 earthquake, an expert lamented: if our building quality is better, maybe the disaster will be smaller

One case after another, what do you mean? Whether the price of blood can be said that quality is life.

People's heart is a steelyard. In our life, we are both users and manufacturers. Therefore, every "Xuemei" person adds the weight of "quality" to the steelyard of people's heart. We believe that today will be better and tomorrow will be better!

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