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The company successfully passed the review of ISO9000, 3C and production license in 2008

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In May this year, the company successfully passed the ISO9000 quality system, CCC compulsory certification and annual review of refrigeration product production license organized by the national quality inspection center and other departments. Previously, according to the annual work plan, the company's quality control department seriously organized the company's product quality inspection and internal review of the quality management system. The qualified rate of product parts quality inspection was 98.7%, with a year-on-year increase of 1.1%; the effective control rate of unqualified products in the quality system was 99.6%; at the same time, the quality control department cooperated with the quality control department in the inspection of some product process equipment aging problems The technical department and the production workshop have determined the rectification plan for the process equipment, and the rectification plan has been completed one week ahead of schedule. The relevant departments will give quality rewards to relevant workshop teams for the quality improvement on a year-on-year basis, and increase the assessment target of employee quality qualification rate by 0.5%, so as to further improve the quality responsibility awareness of employees.

Quality is the life of an enterprise. Behind the brand strategy is the support of continuous improvement of quality management! Xuemei company deeply understands that only by adhering to the "people-oriented, quality-oriented" business policy, improving employee job satisfaction and the sense of belonging to the enterprise, and participating in quality management, can Xuemei's market satisfaction be continuously improved and a bright future of Xuemei brand be ushered in.

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